If you're new to the industry and you really want to know what exactly you need to do to keep your clients happy, well.....tough luck. One of my first observations is that this is one of the few spaces where clients are really unsure as to what they want or if they're getting their money's worth. It's more like a group of blind men fumbling about in the dark and actually finding what they're looking for. They can feel it but they can't figure out what the thing is and you can turn the light on and that still won't help things.
Forgive me for using a clichéd term but everyone's 'hopped onto the social bandwagon' expecting that a twitter, facebook or linkedin page is going to do wonders for their brand and magically boost sales or reputations. You can create spiffy new accounts for your clients with the most creative apps and designs but you need to go further than that. The client is always going to ask you, "what next?" and "what now?". Before you even start devising strategies explain your processes carefully and clearly to your clients. And don't promise them the bloody stars.Keep reachable objectives and convince clients likewise. A lot of clients confuse social media with seo and are under the impression that having an online presence on major platforms is enough to cover a tide of negative publicity that shows up in searches. Educate them. Fast.
Try creating a detailed questionnaire and sending that over to your client. It'll help give you a clear picture of what they expect to achieve through social media or what their general objectives of business are and you can tweak your strategies around achieving them. Let your clients know how their objectives will be achieved and advise them to be patient. Let me know if any of this helps.